Saturday 31 August 2013

Life hack 10:

Dust on the floor while drilling?
Bend a post it note and put it underneath the spot you're drilling to catch the dust!
Life hack 9:

Keep crying when cutting onions?
Chew gum to stop this from happening!
Life hack 8:

Hazy car headlights?
Use toothpaste and a cloth to rub it clean!
Life hack 7:

Can't get into plastic blister packs?
Use a can opener! Cuts it straight open.
Life hack 6:

Messy paintbrush?
Put a rubber band around your paint pot and wipe the paint off of the brush.
Life hack 5:

How to remove the stem of a strawberry:
Get a straw and poke it right the way through the centre of the bottom, pushing out the green bit.
Life hack 4:

Making a mess when making pancakes?
Put the mixture in a squeezy bottle - Now you have created a no mess experience!